Tag Archives: Movies

Want to laugh your guts out???


I didn’t get work today so I decided to sit and watch a movie. Well, blow me down if there wasn’t a funny Australian movie on called ‘Their a Weird Mob’ We Australians do like to laugh at ourselves.

I think it was made in the early 70’s as you can see by the fashions and the cars etc..

It’s a film about an Italian immigrant coming to Australia and trying his darndest to integrate into Australia and learn the ‘Lingo’ and culture all the time trying to pay a relative’s debt. The main character’s name is Nino. It’s full of humour, some good hearted banter,Typical Aussie larikinism, drama but mostly the humour. Bigots are rife throughout but they add to the comedy of it. The other characters all help Nino in their way and it does have the most hilarious results too.

Nino is given a job with a building company and the first scenes with him helping to dig the foundations for a new home are hilarious. If you can get this film and watch it, good. You won’t be sorry. Maybe for the aching ribs after laughing so hard.

The cast are all very good Australian actors and actresses and one in particular is Tony Bonner playing a lifeguard on Bondi beach. It’s a typical good mates movie and it denotes the best of Australian mateship and humour. The camera work is raw as is some of the acting but that’s what makes it so good to watch. I won’t tell you what happens in the end but I thoroughly enjoyed it and laughed my guts out! I don’t often recommend movies but I do sincerely recommend this one. One of the last scenes with the men and the merangues made me laugh so much I had to run to the bathroom….Hubby came in halfway through it and we had tears in our eyes from laughing.

We need more humour to release endophins in our bodies and I thoroughly enjoyed releasing some of mine. If you can get it, then good. Enjoy!
Marilyn xxx