Monthly Archives: August 2010

Wee Wees!


Have you ever been somewhere and the urge to pee was so great you found yourself sweating in the hope you didn’t pee your pants? I have on a number of occasions, like on the way home from work. I work so hard and don’t always get a meal break (that’s nursing for you) let alone a bathroom break. I’m not too keen on dropping my drawers in any of the facilities loos either for fear of picking up something nasty. Eeeeww! So I wait until I get home.
Now, this is usually about midnight or just before. On the way home I drive as fast as I can without breaking any speed records and without getting a speeding ticket and sometimes I have only just made it home in time to sit my little backside on my own nice clean toilet seat. Whew! What a relief.
About a year ago I heard something of interest on the radio and I am going to share it with you. If and when you are at the point of peeing and cannot get to a toilet, rub the back of your calf with the knuckle of your thumb for a few seconds. You need to put a bit of pressure on it but don’t bruise the skin.
This should give you a good ten minutes grace to find a bathroom. I have tried it on numerous occasions and I swear it actually works. I don’t remember what else they said about it and how it works but it does so give it a try yourself. Only use this method as an emergency thing. Don’t do it all the time just for the sake of it because your bladder is quite full and it has given the signal that it wants to be emptied. You could be at risk of a bladder burst…EEeewwww! again.
Good luck until next time. xxx

Simple Solutions!


I have been thinking about adding a regular feature to my Blog and thought you can add to it as well. I have quite a few natural ‘Old Wives tales’ remedies which I have tried and tested myself for the nagging little things we can do without.
My first tried and true recipe is for a headache. I get them sometimes when I’m stressed and there is no analgesia I can take which gets rid of it as well as this does. See below for the simple remedy.

Get yourself a nice tea cup or mug and add 6 to 8 whole cloves.
Put in your tea bag and sugar if you like it.
Add the boiling water and let the tea bag steep in the cup for about 2 minutes.
Remove only the tea bag and leave the cloves in the cup.
Add milk if you like it and stir.
Drink and see the headache dissipate!

I suppose you have heard of the treatment for a toothache? Rub clove oil onto the gum area and it is numbed by the clove oil. Instant pain relief! This too is an old remedy for babies who are teething. Well cloves work for a headache too. Don’t wait until you can’t stand the headache anymore. Have the tea when you first notice you are getting a headache. It works a treat! I carry cloves in a little airtight container everywhere I go.

To make clove oil for a toothache.
Warm a little olive oil and add 3 to 4 whole cloves and let it sit for an hour. Rub it on the gum area of the tooth and see the pain go. If you are in a hurry, then crush two whole cloves in the oil and use immediately.

Much better than artificial analgesia and it tastes very pleasant too.
I am always interested in health and love to do the natural things.
Let me know how you go!
Marilyn xxx